Regional Practices
Consistency of coverage throughout the single market.
European Union (plus EEA and Switzerland)
More than ever, European business is affected by policy, laws and regulations adopted in Brussels, capital of the European Union (EU). Beyond the legislative stage, the interplay between the EU and its Member States extends to the on-going enforcement and interpretation of rules in all spheres of economic activity.
EU law lies at the heart of a broad array of national legislation and rules concerning, for example:
- Sector-specific rules for liberalized but still regulated industries such as telecoms, energy and transport;
- Private party compliance with competition (antitrust) rules and the limits of legitimate State aid to private enterprises;
- Public procurement;
- International trade issues;
- Harmonized European technical standards and consumer protection rules;
- Cross-border company, commercial, and labor law issues; and
- Jurisdiction and enforcement questions in commercial and other private disputes.
The effect of EU laws is not limited to the EU territory and its 500 million inhabitants, but also extends to the EEA (but non-EU) countries, Switzerland and, occasionally, to neighboring countries preparing themselves to future EU accession.
For businesses already in Europe, or simply trading with partners in the region, it is vital to know how EU regulation and harmonization measures interact with national legal systems to impact your business’s strategy and bottom line. We can advise on the remedies available to protect your interests and help you exercise such remedies before the appropriate European or national body.
Our EU practice is comprised of seasoned EU law practitioners in Brussels and with our affiliated firms across Europe who have decades of relevant practical experience. Our EU practitioners are strategically placed to be aware of new directives and regulations as they are in the process of formulation and to help protect our clients’ business interests at this stage, as well as advising on the existing EU legal and judicial environment. Even more importantly, they are there to support other lawyers and clients through substantive advice or representation before the EU bodies, national authorities, and both European and national courts, in matters involving EU law issues.
We combine specialist EU knowledge with national legal skills to provide business-oriented solutions to substantive law issues and EU-related disputes.
We have particular expertise in:
- EU Competition (Antitrust) and State Aid law
- Sector-specific Telecommunications, Postal and Energy regulation
- General EU industry regulation
- European court litigation
- Trade law, as part of our Global Trade and Regulation practice
- EU funding and support programs