Consistent Quality
Region by Region

Nordic Region

The Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) have much in common from an economic perspective and, being relatively homogeneous, open economies, with foreign trade playing a traditional and vital role, ensuring that these countries have become amongst the most competitive and successful economies in the world. 

The Nordic Region has undergone rapid structural change with particular growth in both the service sector and industries based on modern information technology. Among many other industries the Nordics are leaders in telecommunication, IT, pharmaceuticals, motor vehicles, industrial machines, mining, energy, construction, shipping and forestry.

All of the countries in the region have had different approaches to the EU with separate approaches to policy, laws and regulations and the legal landscape can prove to be a minefield through which our partner law firms are well placed to help our clients. At the same time the similarities lead to the need for the one stop shop we provide.

We have affiliates across the region in Sweden (Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Uppsala, Örebro, Helsingborg ) as well as Finland ( Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere,Turku), Denmark (Copenhagen), and Norway (Oslo, Trondheim) and we also cover Iceland through trusted correspondents.

All the Transatlantic team lawyers are experienced in the full spectrum of business law disciplines required by international businesses with particular expertise in:

  • Banking & Finance
  • EU, EEA and Competition Law
  • Labor and Employment Law
  • Media
  • Financial Analysis and Transaction support
  • Litigation
  • M&A 
  • Oil, Gas & Offshore
  • Real Estate
  • Renewable Energy and Cleantech
  • Restructuring and Insolvency; Taxes and Duties
  • Sport & Entertainment
  • Technology
  • Telecoms
  • Other Key Sectors

Contact Carl Olof Bouveng, Coordinator: